Welcome to The Royal Manticoran Navy’s First Fleet! The mission of First (Home) Fleet is to defend Manticore. The primary unit in First Fleet is Battlecruiser Squadron 11 (BatCruRon 11), which consists of Battlecruiser Division 111 (BatCruDiv 111) [HMS Hector (BC-548) in Falls Church, Virginia, and HMS Heracles (BC-566) in Parkville, Maryland] and Battlecruiser Division 112 (BatCruDiv 112) [HMS Penelope (BC-585) in Fishkill, New York; HMS Rigel (BC-591) in Throop, Pennsylvania; and HMS Snow Leopard (CA-425) in Manchester, Connecticut]. First Fleet also includes GNS Erastus (CL-67) in Laurel, MD and HMSS Greenwich (SS-001) in Cohoes, New York (a holding chapter for Royal Manticoran Navy and Civilian personnel who are not currently assigned to ships).
First Fleet’s Area of Responsibility is Northern Virginia, the District of Columbia, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador.
The Royal Manticoran Navy: The Official Honor Harrington Fan Association celebrates the work of David Weber and the universe he has created in his Honor Harrington books. David Weber’s Honor Harrington novels are like the C. S. Forester novels about Horatio Hornblower, but set in the 41st Century instead of the 19th Century. There are over 25 books written, which include an anthology series, two spin-off series, and a recent young adult series.