To: All Officers and Enlisted in the Royal Manticoran Navy, Marine Corps, and Army and our allies of the Grand Alliance
From: Rear Admiral of the Red Sir Michael Paquette, KDE, GS

Subj: First Fleet Deputy Commander (First Fleet Directive 1604-01)

By my hand, and by the authority of and acting as proxy for the Sovereign, Queen of Manticore Elizabeth III, I am proud to announce the appointment of Commodore Zach Perkins (RMN-1644-13) as Deputy Commander of First Fleet. Commodore Perkins, with all haste move to your new position and take up the duties as Deputy Commander of First Fleet. In your new duties, continue to make Home Fleet proud!!

Additionally, Commodore, you stand relieved of command of Battle Cruiser Squadron 11.

Effective: 27 April 2016

In Service to the Queen!

Sir Michael Paquette, KDE, GS
Rear Admiral of the Red, RMN
Commander, First Fleet