To: All Officers and Enlisted in the Royal Manticoran Navy, Marine Corps, and Army and our allies of the Grand Alliance
From: Rear Admiral of the Red Sir Michael Paquette, KDE, CR, SC, GS
Re: First Fleet Awards – Awesome Con 2016 (First Fleet Directive 1606-01)

By my hand, and by the authority of and acting as proxy for the Sovereign, Queen of Manticore Elizabeth III, in recognition of their service to First Fleet by staffing the TRMN recruiting booth and/or participating at the TRMN panel during Awesome Con June 3-5, 2016, in Washington, DC, I hereby award the Havenite Operational Service Medal and Masadan Occupation Medal with an effective date of 6 April 2016 to the following personnel:

RADM Sir Eric Schulmann, HMS Hector
Ensign Dexter Gupthill, HMS Hector
Warrant Officer 1st Class Andrew Sivula, HMS Hector
Chief Petty Officer Patrick Bunch, HMS Hector
Chief Petty Officer Ariam Ferro, HMS Hector
Corporal John Pieperr, RMMC, HMS Hector
Lance Corporal Nora Pieper, RMMC, HMS Hector
Spacer 1st Class Greg Donath, HMS Hector

The following personnel also staffed the TRMN recruiting booth and/or participated on the TRMN panel but were already issued the Havenite Operational Service Medal and the Masadan Occupation Medal in February 2016 for their work at Farpoint 2016.

RADM Sir Michael Paquette, HMS Hector
Captain (SG) Christa Brolleyy, HMS Hector
Captain (JG) William Jarratt Beckerr, HMS Heracles
Lieutenant Commander Barb Dalrymple, GNS Erastus
Lieutenant (JG) Robyn Becker (Reyne Telarius), HMS Heracles
Chief Petty Officer Jim Sprouse, HMS Heracles

Excellent work was done by each of the awardees in promoting and recruiting for TRMN and we estimate we had 10 people sign up onsite and, due to internet connectivity issues, we have six additional potential recruits to contact, on top of the hundreds of individuals that were given TRMN information and links to to be able to download “On Basilisk Station”.

In recognition of their outstanding service and support by working as permanent staff for the TRMN recruiting booth for the 26 hours the booth was required to be open during the convention, I hereby award the Meritorious Service Medal to Captain (JG) William Becker and Chief Petty Officer Jim Sprouse. These two individuals stepped up to take responsibility for continuous manning of the booth, either arriving early or staying late to include set up and close out each day. Due to their efforts we were able to ensure the booth was staffed during all the hours required by the convention organizers.

In recognition of their working significant hours recruiting at the TRMN booth and participating as a panelist at our panel, David Weber’s Honorverse, I hereby award the Navy Commendation Decoration to RADM Sir Eric Schulman, Captain (SG) Christa Brolley, and Chief Petty Officer Patrick Bunch.

In recognition of her organizing the additional volunteer staffing for the TRMN recruiting booth, I hereby award the Navy/Marine Achievement Medal to Lieutenant Commander Barbara Dalrymple.

In recognition of her staffing of the TRMN recruiting booth and with evening pack-outs, I hereby award the Navy/Marine Achievement Medal to Lieutenant (JG) Robyn Becker.

In recognition of his exceptional recruiting efforts during the three days of the convention, I hereby award the Navy/Marine Achievement Medal to Spacer 1st Class Matthew Bowman. While S1C Bowman was unable to staff the booth due to presenting four panels himself, he personally recruited at least two new members and escorted them to the booth to have them sign up.

I would also like to Mention in Dispatches the assistance provided by Admiral of the Fleet Lord Martin A Lessem, Duke, New Scania for his assistance in acquisition of 20 copies of “On Basilisk Station” to be used to help with First Fleet’s recruiting efforts. Many attendees who had not read the books were very happy to get a paper copy of the book.

The members of First Fleet, in particular the crews of HMS Hector and HMS Heracles, continue to step up and provide outstanding convention support convention after convention. Awesome Con will hopefully become an annual First Fleet event. Well done by all and thank you!

In Honor of the Queen!

Issued by:
Sir Michael Paquette, KDE, CR, SC, GS
Rear Admiral of the Red, RMN
Commander, First Fleet